Treating hepatitis with diet

•Continued from last week 

The patient should avoid fatty, fried meats, fatty fish, poultry skin, all processed meats and sausages. 

You should also avoid nuts, peanut butter, nut spreads, potato chips, vegetables smothered in butter or cheese sauces and fatty snacks or very spicy snacks Avoid all food preparation that increases the amount of fat contained in meals, such as frying in butter, margarine or oil. Rather boil, poach, grill and cook in a nonstick pan. Cut out junk food, alcohol and sugar. 

These foods can actually weaken the immune system. Appetite stimulation Appetite stimulation to overcome anorexia – this is probably one of the most difficult challenges facing anyone who is trying to assist a hepatitis patient who may feel so ill and debilitated that they totally refuse to eat. 

Offer the patient his favourite fat-free or low-fat foods, for example, fruit juices and energy drinks (Lucozade). Make from fresh or canned fruit, fat-free milk or yoghurt and add flavouring, honey and fat-free milk powder to boost the protein as well as energy content. 

Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Focus on eating five to six smaller meals throughout the day, rather than eating three larger meals throughout the day.

This story was published in Newswatch Times on June 20, 2015.
