‘Adopt Cleaner Lagos Initiative To Spend Less On Disease Treatment’

By Chioma Umeha
By Dada Jackson
Iya Loja General of Nigeria, Chief Folashade Tinubu-Ojo has urged market men and women and the people to support the Cleaner Lagos Initiative (CLI) of the Lagos State Government, saying that the programme is in the best interest of Lago
Speaking with reporters at the commissioning of network of roads, Link Bridge and health centre in Alimosho area of the State, the market leader said there was no question about the good intention of government with the initiative, revealing that when fully implemented, the people would spend less on treating all kinds of diseases.
Tinubu-Ojo, who described the initiative as timely and necessary, noted that the Governor deserved to be commended for the huge plan to massively address the issue of cleanliness of the environment.
Her words: “The initiative is very good and it is a welcome development. There is no question about the fact that we need to keep our environment very clean even for our own health.
“An adage says cleanliness is next to godliness and health is wealth. When our environment is clean, everything will be positively affected even our food intake. Everything will be fine and we spend less on treatment of all kinds of diseases.
“So, I want to commend Governor Ambode for coming up with this bold and highly timely initiative to ensure our environment is clean.”
The market leader also counselled the people, especially market men and women to always keep their environment clean and abide by all rules and regulations concerning the environment.
She added: “I have always been saying it to our people that our markets should always be kept clean and trading on the road is prohibited and against the law and even the rules of market association. “So, I will like to urge our market men and women to support and cooperate with government in its bid to achieve a very clean environment because this new initiative is definitely for our own good.”
