By Chioma Umeha
Oil your body through exercise
The type of exercise depends on your choice, but
it must be something that you like to do which would allow you to exhaust
A friend once boasted that he exercises regularly.
How¬ever, when I probed him on the type of exercise he indulges in? I was
surprised to learn that his exercise constitutes less than three minutes
interval walk from the ground floor to the first floor of his apartment.
Please, don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to
condemn him, but it doesn’t commiserate with his daily exercise re¬quirement.
Exercise regimens have a way of slowing down the
effect of stress, and afford one the opportunity to operate in nor¬malcy. The
cost of enrolling in a gym or fitness programme is infinitesimal when compared
to the cost of health care or loss in production.
Stress and Diet
Stress is a brain drain and if it is left
uncontrolled, can lead to various illnesses. When you are under stress, the
brain would send a signal to the adrenal glands to release hormone called
cortisol that may be responsible for craving of foods rich in fat and sugar –
comfort food.
As these foods are consumed, they tend to
counteract the effect of stress in the brain. Cortisol is responsible for
increase in appetite or craving to eat.
Research has also shown that when people are
stressed, they tend to make bad choices of unhealthy snack.
Have you heard the saying that, you are what you
eat? Believe it or not, it is true and your diet can make a difference in your
life. Good food which is often called ‘Happy Foods’ are responsible for lowing
one’s stress level.
Let us examine some of the foods considered as
brain boosters. These foods are rich in nutrients and leave you with less bully
Vitamin C: This category includes – green pepper,
straw¬berry and berries, orange juice, brussels sprout which are enriched with
vitamin C. They are known to boost the im¬mune system and help you ward off
Foods like plain yogurt, salmon, chicken, oatmeal
and asparagus produce vitamin B and enhance the neurotrans¬mitters – serotonin,
dopamine, and GABA. These neurotrans¬mitters are called “feel good hormones.”
Are you often tensed and apprehensive? Try almond
seed, spinach, and sunflower. These are enriched with magnesium which helps you
Take time off your job
To many Nigerians, vacation time is at Christmas
break. Sadly, when such time comes, it is often consumed with fes¬tive
activities that are quite stressful. Christmas break should be separated from
vacation time. The vacation time should entail a complete break from
everything, which may tax the very energy that you were trying to rejuvenate.
A perfectly planned and expensive vacation can be
ruined by mixing it up with business. Vacation should be a period to reset your
mind so that when you return to work, you should feel re-energised.
Learning to use your afternoon break wisely
prolongs life and improves job performance. Walking out of the work environment
is a good way of refreshing your mind if you do not desire to eat lunch. Lunch
time which comes in between work hours is there for your good and therefore
must be utilised maximally.
Religious activities
Religious activities add value to any stress
relieving mea¬sure that any one may chose. It offers a sense of belonging and
the ability to seek a higher being for solution.
Finally, remember that stress is real and does
affect your job performance. Learn to control your stress level through good
diet, exercise and relaxation.
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