IWD: Vedic Celebrates Women, Offers Free Cancer Screening

Chioma Umeha
To ensure better health for every Nigerian woman and across the world, experts  have advocated adoption of women-friendly health policies, noting that ‘a healthy woman guarantees a healthy nation.’
The experts made the call during the flagging-off ceremony of  month-long free screening for breast cancer and free gynaecological consultation by  a multi-specialty hospital, Vedic Lifecare Hospital in Lagos to mark this year’s International Women’s Day.
On this year’s International Women’s Day, a multi-specialty hospital, Vedic Lifecare Hospital, has called for women friendly health policies that will ensure better health for every woman in the world even as it begins a month – long free screening for breast cancer and free gynaecological consultation.
March 8, every year is a day women all around the world are recognized and celebrated for their achievements in spite of divisions and obstacles in their paths.
To mark this year’s day, Vedic Lifecare lends its voice in advocating gender parity.
Speaking during the flag off of its free health programme in Lagos, the Centre, Manager, Saurav Kumar noted that: “This year’s messages is filled with a strong call to action inviting women to press forward and push for progress spread through different social media platforms and Vedic Lifecare lends its voice in advocating gender parity.”
He said Vedic constantly ensures the workplace is inclusive and conducive for all female employees and guests alike. “The hospital boasts of having more female employees occupying roles that vary and challenge the norm. So it was no surprise that it had a befitting celebration at the hospital to this end. This only lends further credence to its message which revolves around the value and power of women alongside how deserving they are of every chance to pursue and achieve their dreams.
“Vedic women have a lot to say in motivating and uniting friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive,” he noted.
He said with the wellbeing of women at the forefront of its mind, Vedic ensures that healthcare services are easily accessible, available and affordable for all women.
He explained the ongoing month long free health screening for women was kicked off with the promotional offer of 50 percent discount on mammogram, papsmear and breast scan tests plus a free gynecology consultation running till the 31st March 2018.
Earlier, the a Consultant Gynaecologist/Laporoscopic Surgeon, Infertility Specialist, Dr. Sarfaraz Salgae who explained that over 350 coupons have been sent out to churches, mosques, shopping malls etc, said the free programme is open for all categories of women.
He identified anaemia as one of the major challenges to women’s health, regretting that women take care of every family member leaving themselves unattended to.
While encouraging women to avoid things that will cause anaemia, he blamed the problem on month heavy menstrual flow and fibroids growth. He stressed the need for government to pay attention to adolescent’s health in order to nip in the bud some of the health challenges of women in adult.
Also speaking, visiting Indian based Assistant General Manager, – Operations, Manipal Health, Mr. Sidharam Halikhed noted that any nation that needs to be healthy must ensure that the women are healthy. “The greatest challenge in the home is that women take care of everybody but forget to take care of themselves. There is need for mothers to take care of themselves which.”
