2023 Election: US Encourage Nigerians To Vote In Order For Their Voices To Be Heard

On Monday, the US encouraged Nigerians to register up to vote so they could participate in regional and presidential elections in 2023. 

Through its mission in Nigeria, the US praised the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and security forces for their contributions to the success of the governorship election in Osun state on July 16. It also expressed its congratulations to the people of Osun on the peaceful conclusion of the election. 

The short statement begins, "The United States Mission to Nigeria congratulates the people of Osun State on the peaceful gubernatorial elections on July 16."

We applaud the concerted efforts of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) staff and security forces who helped maintain a safe process that better reflected the will of the people. 

"To ensure that their opinion is heard in the 2023 federal and state elections, we urge every citizen of Nigeria to register to vote immediately."
