NLNG Moves To Reward Ingenuity, Innovation In Malaria Control

•As Entries Into Nigeria Prize For Science 2017 Begins

By Chioma Umeha

Another window of opportunity has been provided by Nigeria LNG (NLNG) Limited to reward the efforts of researchers whose works have contributed to the control of Malaria in the country.
Specifically, NLNG has repeated the 2016 theme and is calling for entries from researchers with evidence of works in Malaria control to apply for the 2017 edition of the ‘Nigeria Prize for Science.’
The announcement which was contained in the website of the Nigeria LNG Limited also said that each winner of this year’s award with the theme: “Innovations in Malaria Control,” will receive 100, 000 US dollars.
The statement further advised candidates who missed the initial call or made submissions in 2016 to re-apply for the 2017 award using the new entry guideline.
The notice said: “Nigeria LNG Limited invites entries for The Nigeria Prize for Science, in line with its vision of helping to build a better Nigeria.”
Malaria has been identified as a major killer in the tropics and has been a scourge pervading the Nigerian health sector with attendant pressure on scarce national resources and socio-economic wellbeing.
“Entries are therefore invited from researchers for works that contribute to the control of Malaria,” the statement said.
“This annual prize for science is endowed by Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG) to recognise outstanding scientific solutions to prescribed problems afflicting Nigeria as captured by the theme for the year.
“The theme for the 2017 competition is “Innovations in Malaria Control,” it added.
The award is open to all, including Nigerians and non-Nigerians involved in application of science to proffer solutions to the malaria challenges confronting Nigeria.
However, the announcement stressed, “the work should be of outstanding merit and should have advanced the frontiers of knowledge and /or provided a solution in the area of malaria control.”
“The material for consideration must be original and indicate the specific area of merit; and all submissions must relate to that particular area.
“The materials for award must not be under consideration for any other award,” the statement added.
Concerning submission procedure, the notice states: “All entries must be made through the ‘Nigeria Prize for Science’ application form located on the Nigeria LNG website.
“The form should be downloaded, completed and sent back by email along with the supporting documentation to
“In cases where the applicant(s) desire to submit hard copy documents, six copies of bound application and documents should be sent to any of the provided Nigeria LNG addresses.”
It further explained: “All such entries must be accompanied with the completed and printed application form, downloaded from the Nigeria LNG website.
“As the intention is to recognise the most relevant and effective solution to specific Nigerian problems, works of collaboration by two or more pensions are also welcome.
“Only one entry per contestants(s) is permitted per competition year.”
The statement warned that entries which are not submitted by the stated deadline and according to stated conditions shall not be considered.
It further directed members of the Advisory Board or Panel of Judges or their relatives not to enter their works for the Science prize during their year of service as well as the following year.
“Members of staff of NLNG or their family members are ineligible to enter for the prize,” it stressed.
According to the announcement, a panel of judges shall be appointed for the ‘Nigeria Prize for Science’ by the Advisory Board.
“The appointment of judges shall, as far as possible, reflect and represent a multi-disciplinary approach relevant to the theme. Persons appointed as judges are those who have wide experience, peer recognition, good public image and command respect nationally and internationally. The decision of the process shall be final,” the announcement stressed.
Members of the advisory board which the Chairman is   Professor Alfred A. Susu are, Professor Barth Nnaji; Dr. (Mrs.) Nike Akande; Professor Michael Adikwu and Professor Elijah D. Mshelia.
On close of entry, it said: “All entries must be received by May 12, 2017,” stressing: “Late entries will not be entertained.”
The announcement of winners will come in October while the public presentation will be at a later date.
It noted that inquiries and correspondences concerning the award could be sent to two addresses provided in the announcement, including the ‘Nigeria Prize for Science,’ External relations Division, Nigeria, LNG Limited, INTELS Aba Road Estate Km 16, Port Harcourt-Aba Expressway and PMB 5660, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Inquiries and correspondences could also be directed to the ‘Nigeria Prize for Science,’ External Relations Division, Heron House, 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1HODX.
The ‘Nigeria Prize for Science’ and ‘Nigeria Prize for Literature,’ are sponsored by Nigeria LNG Limited. The prizes are aimed at bringing Nigerian scientists and authors to public attention and celebrating excellence in scientific breakthroughs and literary accomplishments in the nation.
NLNG believes that the science prize will provide leaders with answers to crucial issues in development; improve the standards of living and re-energise the scientific community to seek solutions to national problems.
With the ‘Nigeria Prize for Literature,’ it is expected that the quest for a prestigious prize will improve the quality of writing, editing, proof-reading, and publishing in the country with far-reaching positive effect on print and broadcast journalism.
The prizes are administered, on behalf of Nigeria LNG Limited, by the Nigerian Academy of Science and the Advisory Board for Literature made up of members of Nigerian Academy of Letters (NAL) and the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA).
